1.1.4 Methodological Material_Chapter 2: "The challenges to inclusion in school settings"


There are numerous challenges to inclusion in education on a global level. Most of them can also be found manifesting on a regional level in Europe as well. This chapter attempted to look at some of the prevalent risks for the implementation of IE, some of which the project Increa+ will be directly addressing.

Migration has been found by researchers and teachers to be one of the most prevalent challenges to inclusion, with all of its aspects presenting different types and degrees of risk. Looking into the cultural, religion, gender, racial barriers to inclusion that can stem from migration, as well as discrimination and stereotyping that can come with it, and not forgetting the mental health implications, we can safely argue that migration is a complex issue in terms of IE.

Disabilities present another major challenge to IE, whether we are considering physical or mental disabilities or students with SEN, the spectrum of challenges is quite vast and varies depending on the country context, disability, and often finance. In fact, when considering finance, it has been found that poverty is directly linked to exclusion in educational contexts. This stems from lack of facilities and investment in student environments, insufficient teacher training, increasing expenses, transportation, health care and many others.

Giftedness and talent are two categories that provide a basis for challenge to inclusion that were also discussed in this chapter and will be addressed through the Increa+ project. Their way of learning, process and needs differ from the rest in the classroom and are often not properly taken care of. The model- one fits all, cannot cater to “gifted’ children, thus becoming a challenge to inclusion.

All of the aforementioned challenges have been enhanced during the Covid-19 pandemic. We can really see now the gap widening in terms of inclusion with all the risks and barriers coming to the forefront and becoming even more difficult to overcome in an environment of social distancing and online education. What would be really key moving forward in terms achieving inclusion in education would be teacher training, improvement in resources and long-term and sustainable strategies to address challenges and prevent risks.