3.1.3 Methodological Material_Chapter 5 "Educational Artmaking In Partners Countries: Good Practices In Community Settings"

14. Detailed description of selected activities



Art activities with teenagers from a Center for children with disabilities “St. Vrach”




Irina Apostolova – a private initiative

Context of implementation

X large city small city village

Goals of the activity

Developing the communicative skills of children with disabilities via artistic activities.


Content of the artistic activities carried out

Art activities for children with disabilities.

Main Steps

The practice implemented various visual arts tasks, which were combined with theatrical elements. The children drew, modeled, applied and in the end got the opportunity to present (with the help of a specialist), to play as a pantomime or simply to tell what they have created. The audience applauded after each presentation, encouraging each participant in their expression.

Theories on which the practice was based on

Art-therapy methods applied by specialists – consultants in art therapy.

Implementation choices

a. Target groups – children from grades 4 to 8

b. Duration – 60 minutes

c. Number of sessions/activities – 8 sessions

d. Teaching methodology – art-therapeutic methodology

e. Type of assessment and tools used to identify the benefits

Artistic mean

analysis of famous artistic expressions

artmaking activity

X Painting A  B X

X Theatre play A  B X

 Music A  B 

 Sculpture A  B 

 Creative Writing (storytelling, poetry, etc.) A  B 

 Arts and crafts (pottering, needlework, sewing, etc.)

X Other, please, specify: presentations


Depending on the artistic task: tempera or watercolor, cardboards, colored paper and cut out ready elements, glues, scissors, modelling clay and plasticine, decorative elements for applications.

Who runs the activity

Irina Apostolova, systemic art consultant

Benefits and results

a. The benefits of this best practice for the target groups

The children develop their skills to express themselves in different ways, which is sometimes very hard for them, but in a friendly and artistic atmosphere this takes place in a much easier fashion.

This particular practice has been beneficial for children with physical and cognitive disabilities.

b. Community/social impact

An opportunity for a closer contact of adults with children with disabilities, for a more successful communication of emotions and expression of needs. Inclusion within the community.

Challenge to inclusion addressed

Physical challenge.

 How did it address that challenge?

Easing the expression and communication skills of children with disabilities is a tool for making their integration and inclusion easier, as their behavior would become more socially acceptable for their peers. Art has always been and will always be an instrument for bringing people closer, as it manages to convey messages without words, overcoming linguistic or confidence barriers.

21st Century skills addressed

Art is something which supports the process of learning to learn and can be very useful for that purpose.

The activities in the presented practice support the development of:


Creative thinking for the purpose of forming an artistic expression

Effective communication - presentation of one’s emotions and thoughts via arts

Decision making - art presents numerous choices for expression

Problem solving

UDL as   Guiding principle

multiple means of representing the concepts: reading and listening

multiple ways to express the solution they propose

multiple ways to engage: use of several different tools

Website/E-mail /Other contact info:

Irina Apostolova

E-mail: apostolovairina@gmail.com

Questions for reflection:

Questions that can be asked to stimulate target groups’ feedback and reflection

How did you feel while participating in the activity?

Which part of the activity did you like the most? Why?

Would you like to see something different/improved next time? What and why?



Saturday family ateliers (for children and parents)




A private initiative

Context of implementation

X large city small city village

Goals of the activity

Sharing of pleasant activities for family members; spending time together in artistic activities; developing the relationships within the family; expanding the individual talents of the family members; creating friendship bonds between different families through sharing of common interests and activities; forming a neighborhood community of families with similar interests.


Content of the artistic activities carried out

A series of Saturday ateliers were conducted, each of which was based on a different art technique (collage, installations, decoration, painting, applications construction and others). The different art tasks/operations were allocated spontaneously among the family members, depending on their preferences, skills, dexterity and talents. The painting tasks had different levels of complexity and required a different length of the activities. The ateliers were joined by families with children of various ages, sometimes they were even joined by their grandmothers and grandfathers.

Main Steps

1. The first ateliers required time for allowing the participants to get to know each other, gradually, the use of these minutes shifted to creating a more pleasant atmosphere – with coffee, tea, music and short talks between the participants.

2. The facilitator would assign the tasks – idea, objective, artistic materials to be used, algorithm, technical specifics and so on.

3. The families spontaneously allocated the tasks among their members or decided that everyone would do everything on his/her own. They gave each other advice, helped each other, figured out solutions to occurring artistic problems, sometimes had arguments, sometimes encouraged each other or entered into collaboration with other families. The facilitator was available for clarifications and consultations at all times.

4. The last minutes were dedicated to an improvised exhibition of the results. The facilitator conducted a discussion, during which the participants were encouraged to share their experiences during the atelier, as well as to present their works.

Theories on which the practice was based on

Art teaching methodology, art-therapy, family therapy

Implementation choices

a. Target groups – families with children at school age from the same neighborhood

b. Duration – 60-120 minutes each atelier

c. Number of sessions/activities – 10 Saturday ateliers

d. Teaching methodology – author methodology, property of Green Art Center

e. Type of assessment and tools used to identify the benefits

Artistic mean

Analysis of famous artistic expressions

artmaking activity

X Painting A X B X

 Theatre play A  B 

 Music A  B 

X Sculpture A  B X

 Creative Writing (storytelling, poetry, etc.) A  B 

 Arts and crafts (pottering, needlework, sewing, etc.)

X Other, please, specify: construction, applied-decorative art, collage, relief painting, monotype


Depending on the artistic task: tempera paints, oil pastels, inks, cardboard, yarn, cotton, toilet paper, corrugated cardboard, wooden stirrers, tree leaves, beads, scissors, glue, silicone gun, box-cutters, Styrofoam balls, decorative elements, plastic straws, etc.

Who runs the activity

Green Art Center

Benefits and results

The benefits of this best practice for the target groups

Enriching the relationships within the families, developing personal talents and skills, developing trust and respect among the generations.

b. Community/social impact

Bring families within the same neighborhood closer to each other and create sustainable friendly relationships through sharing of artistic activities.

Challenge to inclusion addressed

Socio-economic challenge.

 How did it address that challenge?

The practice provided a safe space for common work between families with various interests and status. It is an excellent example of how the setting should be organized in order for the involved participants to create bonds and to bring out the best out of all participating children – giving them the possibility to pick their tasks, to work alone or in cooperation with someone, establishing rules of acceptance and friendship.

This practice could be most beneficial for tackling exclusion due to social, cultural and socio-economic reasons.

21st Century skills addressed

The art-making activities included in these ateliers develop innovation and creativity. The ateliers encourage decision making skills development and creative thinking. Considering the group-activity nature of the ateliers, they also facilitated the development of communication and team work / interpersonal relations skills.

UDL as   Guiding principle

The UDL principles are followed in this practice, which encompasses different means for engagement of the participants and provides the latter with freedom of expression, even if there are certain limitations as to the type of art, which is in the center of the practice.

Website/E-mail /Other contact info:

Fb: Green Art Center

e-mail: gac4friends@gmail.com

Questions for reflection:

Questions that can be asked to stimulate target groups’ feedback and reflectionI

in what way did the artistic atelier bring you closer, including intergenerational, to the members of your family?

Has the artistic atelier helped you create bonds and network with other families within your area?

What artistic skills have you improved thanks to this atelier?

Do you think that improving artistic skills is the most important benefit you have drawn from this experience? If not, what do you consider as your main benefit from the atelier?

Can you relate any particular changes in your style of expression, communication and/or behavior to your involvement in these ateliers?

How did you feel working with families that were very different from your own, if this was the case?

Anything else you can mention as a valuable take-away from the experience?