Training Course
1. To navigate Increa+ Training Course, please navigate these instructions down below:
2. After that, please click “Log in” in the upper right corner.
You are not logged in. (Log in)
3. Please follow the instructions and create an account (if you have one, log in with your credentials).
For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.
4. After successful log in you will be greeted with the Increa+ Training Course. Please select your own language course in the right “Navigation” sidebar.
5. Please click on the “PART 1: Theoretical Knowledge”. After that please click “Enrol me in this course” on the right “Administration” sidebar. After you go to the Part 2, you have to enrol again.
Course administration
6. When accessing the “Video Lesson”, you will be greeted with the quiz, please click “Attempt quiz now”.
7. When viewing the video lesson, please don’t forget to enable captions (CC) and choose your own language.
8. To access Part 2 (and other parts) scroll down below for “Click here for Part 2” button. You can also use the left “Navigation” sidebar.
Click here for Part 2